Robles Diversion Modifications
The Robles Diversion and Fish Passage Facility (Facility) is located on the Ventura River 2.3 miles downstream of the Matilija Dam. The Facility includes a 10-foot high diversion dam, forebay, fish ladder, intake screens, control gates, and the top section of a 4-mile long concrete channel known as the Robles-Casitas Canal.
The Facility conveys water through the Canal from the upper Ventura River into storage in Lake Casitas for subsequent distribution to agricultural and municipal water users by the Casitas Municipal Water District.
Originally constructed by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, alternative design options are currently being evaluated through a collaborative planning effort that includes consideration of enhanced maintenance, modernized infrastructure, and other agreed-upon upgrades to the Facility to support improved sediment transport before, during and after dam removal. The modifications will also address associated water supply and fish passage needs, as well as flood protection at the Robles Facility and for the nearby community of Meiners Oaks.