The Matilija Dam Ecosystem Restoration Project (MDERP) has been generously supported by a diverse coalition of state, federal, and private funding partners. See Partners page for more information. Since 2017, MDERP has secured more than $44 million to advance planning, design, and construction of MDERP components (see pie chart). These awards build on more than $29 million in state and federal investments received to advance the initial project scope (prior to 2017), and leverage more than $25 million in local contributions since 2000.
The most current MDERP cost estimates indicate that an additional $200 million in state, federal, local and private philanthropic investments will be needed from 2024 to 2029 to meet the ambitious goal of being ready for sediment release by 2030. Then, after the initial sediment release, another $40 million will be needed for Dam demolition and site restoration, and to support initial post-removal investments in outdoor recreation, improved public access, restored habitat monitoring and long-term stewardship.
The following chart summarizes anticipated MDERP funding needs. These estimates will continue to evolve as design plans are finalized.