State Coastal Conservancy approves new MDERP grant requests

On Thursday, February 15, 2024 the Board of Directors of the California State Coastal Conservancy (SCC) approved two grant increase requests for up to $7.8 million total for priority planning, design, outreach and pre-acquisition needs as part of the Matilija Dam Ecosystem Restoration Project (MDERP). The first grant includes up to $3.2 million in new funds to further collaborative design planning at the Robles Diversion Facility in partnership with the Casitas Municipal Water District and other Robles Working Group stakeholders. The second includes up to $4.6 million in new funds for updated technical studies, programmatic risk mitigation and pre-acquisition planning, continued community outreach, and affirmative Tribal engagement. These approvals bring the MDERP total for essential projects and programs to more than $50 million secured since 2017 from state, federal and non-governmental sources. For more information about SCC grant programs please visit