The Matilija Dam Ecosystem Restoration Project (MDERP) is a public-private partnership to remove the obsolete Matilija Dam from the Ventura River Watershed.

MDERP includes a series of projects that will modernize infrastructure for flood protection and water supply resilience, restore wildlife habitat, and support natural sediment transport and beach replenishment.



Modernize downstream infrastructure for improved flood protection and long-term water resilience

Improve watershed habitat through removal of invasive species

Restore natural processes to support beach replenishment through transport of sediments downstream

Enhance recreational opportunities and access to public open space amenities

Restore endangered steelhead access to Matilija Creek headwaters

Support economic growth and job creation

News & Announcements

State Coastal Conservancy approves new MDERP grant requests

State Coastal Conservancy approves new MDERP grant requests

On Thursday, February 15, 2024 the Board of Directors of the California State Coastal Conservancy (SCC) approved two grant increase requests for up to $7.8 million total for priority planning, design, outreach and pre-acquisition needs as part of the Matilija Dam Ecosystem Restoration Project (MDERP). The first grant includes up…

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On December 14, 2023, the VCPWA-Watershed Protection provided an educational presentation on the Matilija Dam Ecosystem Restoration Project to interested members of the Ventura River Watershed Council. The presentation was followed up by a tour of the Matilija Dam where participants were provided the opportunity to see the antiquated facility…

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Subsequent EIR for Matilija Dam Removal

Subsequent EIR for Matilija Dam Removal

VCPWA-Watershed Protection is soliciting public input regarding the scope and content of a Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) focused on the dam removal component of the Matilija Dam Ecosystem Restoration Project. A public scoping meeting was held on December 7, 2023, and comments may be submitted anytime starting on November…

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